A Second World War Christmas
From celebrations in the Anderson shelter and homemade decorations to parties for children and adding Christmas cheer as best they could, people made the most of what they had during the Second World War.

Furry, four-legged friends
A tale about posting on Instagram and why the one post you think will appeal can be the one that comes back to bite you on the arse.
The research goldmine
In the opening chapters of The Third Letter, we meet not only Clara, the heroine of the story, but also William and Ifan, two soldiers in the same Canadian infantry regiment, who play key roles in the novel (no spoilers here!).

If you’ve read and loved these…
If you've read and loved any of these titles, then you're in the right place.

How did my novel become The Third Letter?
Changing the name of my novel was a painful but necessary experience.

Getting the setting
Of all the different aspects of writing a novel, I find setting the hardest.

Going to a dance
Going out dancing was among the most popular pastimes during the Second World War, with events organised frequently in towns across the UK.

Second World War historical fiction
As you would expect, my reading list contains a fair amount of historical fiction set in Britain during the Second World War. But just which ones have captured my heart?

Non-fiction books
As you might imagine, I have read widely when researching this novel, but there are some books that stand out as fascinating explorations of the time period.

Photo inspiration
Go back only a few decades from the 1940s and photographs were a luxury that you reserved for important occasions like engagements or weddings. But thanks to the cheaper Box Brownie cameras, people were now able to document all aspects of their lives.